Only War: Hammer of the Emperor


Hammer of the Emperor is a supplement book to the Only War (RPG series). A handbook for the brave soldiers of the Imperial Guard. New options for regiment creation and mixed regiments, along with details on renowned regiments like the Attilan Rough Riders and Tanith First-and-Only, give players unique ways to wage war in the 41st Millennium. Plus, enhance your missions with new Advanced Specialties, an expanded armoury, rules for Mounted Combat, and much more!



Games Workshop

Publication Details

RPG Series
Dark Heresy Shattered HopeEdge of DarknessCore RulebookGame Master's KitPurge the UncleanInquisitor's HandbookDisciples of the Dark GodsCreatures AnathemaRadical's HandbookSalvation Demands SacrificeAscensionHeed the Higher CallBlood of MartyrsHeresy Begets RetributionDaemon HunterBook of JudgementLathe WorldsThe Lathe Worlds, The Lost Dataslate
Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy (Tattered FatesDamned CitiesDead Stars)
Apostasy Gambit Trilogy (Black SepulchreChurch of the DamnedChaos Commandment)
Path to Victory Hive of the DeadHerald of Oblivion
Dark Heresy Second Edition Core RulebookGame Master's KitEnemies WithinForgotten GodsEnemies WithoutEnemies Beyond
Rogue Trader Forsaken BountyDark FrontierCore RulebookGame Master's KitSecrets of the ExpanseEpoch KoronusDrydockLure of the ExpanseInto the StormTraitor's NexusEdge of the AbyssBattlefleet KoronusHostile AcquisitionsKoronus BestiarySoul Reaver (The Dark Kin)Navis PrimerStars of InequityFaith and CoinShedding LightTwilight CrusadeTau Character Guide
Warpstorm Adventure Trilogy (Frozen ReachesCitadel of SkullsFallen Suns)
Deathwatch Core RulebookGame Master's KitKnow No FearEmperor ProtectsRites of BattleMark of the XenosFinal SanctionOblivion's EdgeNemesis IncidentAchilus AssaultFirst FoundingJericho ReachRising TempestHonour the ChapterThe Outer ReachArk of Lost SoulsThe Emperor's ChosenFalling Star
Black Crusade Broken ChainsCore RulebookGame Master's KitHand of CorruptionTome of FateTome of BloodTome of ExcessTome of DecayBinding Contracts
Only War Eleventh HourCore RulebookGame Master's KitFinal TestamentHammer of the EmperorEnemies of the ImperiumNo SurrenderShield of HumanitySalvaging Solace
Wrath & Glory Blessings UnheraldedCore RulebookDark TidesForsaken System Player's GuideRain of MercyRedacted RecordsWretches of the WritThe Graveyard ShiftCore Rulebook (2nd Edition)Threat Assessment: XenosThe Null HypothesisDepartmento Munitorum ShotgunsChurch of SteelBrass TaxGutshiva's KommandosGamemaster's ScreenAffliction AscendantThe Lord of the SpireOn the Wings of ValkyriesLitanies of the LostRain of MercyForsaken System Player's Guide
Litanies of the Lost adventures (Grim HarvestVow of SilenceDark BiddingDuty Beyond Death)
The Tora Armis Insurrection (Bloody GatesOn the Wings of ValkyriesThe Lord of the SpireAffliction AscendantStarter Set (2023)Redacted Records 2Aeldari: Inheritance of EmbersVow of AbsolutionThreat Assessment: Daemons & Heretics
Imperium Maledictum Core RulebookChemical BurnThe Blazing SeraphRokarthHis Glorious Shield