Criminal Injuries Compensation Board

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board is a remedial body designed to provide aid and assistance to victims of crime in Maryland. Our statutory authority shall be construed in all circumstances to remedy the harm to the victim and in favor of eligibility for the victim or claimant.





Claims examination

Victim advocacy

Frequently asked questions for victims

Who is eligible for compensation?

What is reimbursable?

What must a victim do to qualify for compensation?

What makes a victim ineligible for compensation?

Executive Director Dorothy Lennig
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
Main Office: 100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
Victim Services - Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB): 6776 Reisterstown Rd, Suite 209
Baltimore, MD 21215

About The Handle with Care Dashboard

This dashboard maps statewide and county-by-county, the number of Handle with Care notices sent to schools as well as the rate per 1,000 students. Also, the number of students affected, mental health services provided and number of participating schools. That data can be analyzed further by month and year.

Data Sources

Data reflected in this dashboard is collected from schools, law enforcement agencies and other public safety agencies participating in the Handle with Care initiative.

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards

Using The Handle with Care Dashboard


Pausing over a data point on a chart may reveal additional breakdowns for that data point.


All figures in the dashboard are interactive with one another, and once clicked on, will cross-filter with other measures. When a data point is selected, its color will be darker, and other data points will appear faded.


Selecting the same section or item twice will clear your selection and return the data to an overall perspective.


Selecting a filter will cross-filter across the entire dashboard. This format allows for a deeper understanding of trends by the filter selected. You can also select multiple filters for a further breakdown of data elements. You can also select multiple options within a filter.